
March 4, 2011

Macbeth recap Act II

Filed under: Uncategorized — wilsonwave @ 3:36 pm

Banquo and his son Fleance are having trouble sleeping when Macbeth comes along ( he is on his way to kill Duncan ); Lady Macbeth is pretty jumpy from typical night noises; Macbeth comes in with bloody hands; he tells his wife about the guards talking in their sleep ( he is really freaked out) when his wife realizes that Macbeth still has the weapons with him; Lady Macbeth takes the knives back to frame the guards, but returns with the knowledge that she has guilt on her hands; Macduff shows up to wake the King, but he discovers the murder and wakes everyone with the news; Macbeth admits to killing the two guards out of his love for Duncan; Malcolm and Donalbain flee the country; the thanes meet to discuss Scotland’s future; because Malcolm went to England, Macbeth is crowned King at Scone.

Macbeth recap of Act I

Filed under: Uncategorized — wilsonwave @ 3:14 pm

If you are checking the blog, I would guess that you’ve got the main events of Macbeth, but just in case you don’t , here they are in chronological order:

Act I- the 3 witches meet; King Duncan receives news from the front and learns that Macbeth and Banquo saved Scotland from Norway; the King rewards Macbeth with the vacated title of Thane of Cawdor; the witches mess with a woman’s husband over some chestnuts; they meet Macbeth and Banquo giving them news of future events; Ross shows up with the news of Macbeth’s promotion, which puts everything in motion; Duncan informs that his heir is Malcolm, newly named Prince of Cumberland; the King is visiting Macbeth’s home for a feast of celebration; Lady Macbeth reads of the day’.s events and devises a plan that would murder Duncan. All she has to do now is convince her husband that it will work.

February 27, 2011


Filed under: Uncategorized — wilsonwave @ 9:04 pm

We will begin reading Macbeth this week! There are tons of websites that deal with all of Shakespeare’s plays. Use your imaginations to create extra credit projects and presentations.

February 23, 2011

More GOOD STUFF soon!!!!!

Filed under: Uncategorized — wilsonwave @ 11:11 am

I will do a better job after this week. My mother is having surgery on Thursday. I will be back at school on Monday!

February 17, 2011

King Arthur websites

Filed under: Uncategorized — wilsonwave @ 7:27 am

You should find everything you want to know and then some concerning King Arthur from the following websites:

1. www.britannia.com                                       3. www.timelessmyths.com

2. www.kingarthursknights.com                  

Google terms like King Arthur, Excalibur, Merlin, Knights of the Round Table to find even more sites.

February 11, 2011

NOW HEAR THIS!!!!!!!!!

Filed under: Uncategorized — wilsonwave @ 11:58 am

The 4  1/2 week grading period ends today! All grades have to be finalized by Tuesday( Feb. 15 ). Any late assignments that are not turned in on Monday will be zeros. The only new grades will be the worksheet questions and our Vocab 4 Test. According to the Board of Education, we are in school on Feb. 21 President’s Day.

February 9, 2011

” The Eagle” coming out on Friday!

Filed under: Uncategorized — wilsonwave @ 6:33 pm

A new movie comes out Friday entitled “The Eagle”. The trailer looks pretty exciting. Write a review of the movie on the blog for  some extra credit. Go to YouTube or Rotten Tomatoes to watch the trailer.

While you are out….. AGAIN!!!!!!

Filed under: Uncategorized — wilsonwave @ 4:07 pm

We need to complete the following by the end of the week:

1. Nun’s Priest’s Tale questions  2. The Pardoner’s Tale questions  3. vocab test   4. notes on the speaker’s presentation ( Friday ).  Numbers 3 and 4 are in case we are in school Friday. Remember that you can go to YouTube and watch videos of these two stories. If you have any incomplete assignments, you need to turn those in ASAP to insure that your 4 weeks grade will be above 70.

February 6, 2011

The Pardoner’s Tale

Filed under: Uncategorized — wilsonwave @ 9:55 pm

After reading the story from Chaucer, create a modern version

that demonstrates the destructive power of greed.

Vocabulary for Feb. 7th

Filed under: Uncategorized — wilsonwave @ 9:51 pm

Here are the words used for this week. You should

be able to recite two examples for each word.

Farce, Flashback, Foreshadowing, Genre, Haiku, Imagery,

Inference, Irony, Metaphor, Metonymy.

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