
March 4, 2011

Macbeth recap Act II

Filed under: Uncategorized — wilsonwave @ 3:36 pm

Banquo and his son Fleance are having trouble sleeping when Macbeth comes along ( he is on his way to kill Duncan ); Lady Macbeth is pretty jumpy from typical night noises; Macbeth comes in with bloody hands; he tells his wife about the guards talking in their sleep ( he is really freaked out) when his wife realizes that Macbeth still has the weapons with him; Lady Macbeth takes the knives back to frame the guards, but returns with the knowledge that she has guilt on her hands; Macduff shows up to wake the King, but he discovers the murder and wakes everyone with the news; Macbeth admits to killing the two guards out of his love for Duncan; Malcolm and Donalbain flee the country; the thanes meet to discuss Scotland’s future; because Malcolm went to England, Macbeth is crowned King at Scone.

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