
February 5, 2011

The Middle Ages information that you need to know.

Filed under: Uncategorized — wilsonwave @ 10:46 am

Here is a partial list of items that should cause new wrinkles for your brain:

* major events of the Middle Ages  * biographigal info on the authors of the period * plots, settings, themes, and characters of reading selections * The Feudal system * the Code of Chivalry * Steps to becoming a Knight * stories concerning King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table * inventions and innovations of the Middle Ages.

As you can see, there is a ton of information that you can research. Happy surfing!!!!!

Class Schedule for the week of Feb. 7-11.

Filed under: Uncategorized — wilsonwave @ 10:33 am

Monday- new literary terms, worksheet on The Nun’s Priest’s Tale

Tuesday- read The Pardoner’s Tale, 20 questions over the story, in class writing

Wednesday- Begin the legends of King Arthur, read Sir Gawain and the Green Knight

Thursday- Computer Lab, Vocab Test, Lit. Test

Friday- guest speaker from ITT, notes will be turned in for your daily grade.

Please remember that all of these plans can be altered due to the Snowpocalypse!!!!!!!

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